January is often a popular time for couples to separate or divorce because many people wait until after the holidays to start the process of splitting up. If you are considering divorcing your spouse, or you have already decided to, you probably know you have a long road ahead of you. There is no perfect way to divorce, but there are some things you can do to help save you and your spouse from unnecessary stress and conflict as you end your marriage. At The Page Law Firm, we are here to help you end the year well and to assist you in resolving your family law concerns. In the spirit of ending the year well, you might wish to:
Resolve to Communicate Better
Communication is one of the most important aspects to any relationship, and it does not become less important when a couple is no longer romantically involved. In order to successfully untangle from a marriage, both spouses must be willing to talk to the other about plans for moving forward. Understandably, many individuals who are facing the end of their marriage are emotional. They may feel anger toward their spouse because of the hurtful things that happened during the marriage. Others who get divorced feel so upset that they shut down and stop communicating entirely. While these feelings are natural, refusing to cooperate with your spouse will only prolong the painful divorce process. Be willing to “be the bigger person” and work with your spouse, even if you resent him or her. You will be thankful that you did.
Resolve to Co-Parent Effectively
When you and your spouse have children together, the fact is that you will have to continue seeing and collaborating with your spouse long after the divorce. If you plan to share parental responsibilities regarding your kids, you will need to find a way to manage pick-ups and drop-offs, holiday schedules, school concerns, grandparent visitation, and other parenting tasks cooperatively. Renew your commitment to cooperating with your spouse regarding your children, regardless of what other disagreements the two of you may have.
Resolve to Enjoy Life Again
It has been said that no happy marriage ends in divorce. If you are planning to divorce your spouse, you have probably been unhappy in the marriage for a long time. After the divorce, resolve to do things that are meaningful to you and that you enjoy. There is a good chance that, as things settle down, you will probably have more time to yourself than you did previously. Use this time to explore the things that make you feel fulfilled and to try new things as well.
A Frisco Family Lawyer Can Help
The end of the year is the perfect time to start thinking about how to make a fresh start. If you are ready to start the divorce process, our competent and compassionate Collin County family law attorney is ready to help. Attorney Théda Page has nearly three decades of experience helping Texas families, and she is equipped to help you and yours. Call 214-618-2101 for a confidential consultation at The Page Law Firm today.
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